Media Players

Media players make it easy for viewers to find, open and play the video or audio content they are interested in. The RealPlayer and Microsoft Media Player software is available free of charge from the Internet. They are easy to use and offer good picture and audio quality even at low "telephone" bandwidth. Users can view either only the video or videos with other graphical elements such as e.g. PowerPoint slides. In case of the latter, consoles can be built to provide the content in a presentable way.

Video Only

Westminster Digital can build a web page in which the video will play. 'Support' and 'System Test' links can be added to the page to deal with users' queries.

Video with Powerpoint Slides

Westminster Digital will design and build a console branded with the Company's/conference's colours and look and feel. The console is integrated into the conference website. If the presentations include PowerPoint slides, the console can include a PowerPoint slides region - where the slides are shown synchronised to the video / audio. If it is a live event, the slides need to be with us at least 24 hours before the start of the event as time is needed to upload them onto the server. The console can also include a link for the viewers to download the slides if required.